; Annie´s Project in Maryland & Delaware - 2010 Follow Up Survey | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Annie´s Project in Maryland & Delaware - 2010 Follow Up Survey

Shannon Dill and Jennifer Rhodes


Annie’s project is designed to empower farmwomen to manage information systems used in critical decision making processes and to build local networks throughout the state. The target audience is farmwomen with a passion for business and involvement in the farm operation. The focus is the five areas of risk management – Production, Market, Financial, Legal and Human Resources.

In 2010, through a Northeast Center of Risk Management grant Annie’s Project expanded to 9 sites in Maryland and Delaware reaching 144 farm women and participating in 24 hours of class time. There are eight specific actions that participants are encouraged to take to manage information for critical-decision making that will enhance farm operations. To determine if the participants had actually followed through on their intentions, a follow-up survey was conducted 18 months after the class. Eighteen months was chosen as an appropriate time to survey the women because enough time would have elapsed to follow through with the skills and activities taught in the classes. There were 120 participants invited via email, which included a web link for the survey. The survey was anonymous and had a 44% response rate. Participants were asked to complete ten questions regarding actions they have taken or implemented since they attended Annie’s Project
Overall, the follow-up evaluations point to the fact that the program is successful in that women leave the program with the skills and knowledge to take action.
