; Farm Communication Coaching - How to Offer Your own 4-Session Program | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Farm Communication Coaching - How to Offer Your own 4-Session Program

Leslie Forstadt, Karen Groat, and Abby Sadauckas


In this session, we'll present the overview of a four-session model for on-farm communication coaching. Participants will receive a copy of a coaching guide developed by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension through an 2018 ERME-funded coaching project. Participants will understand the model and consider how to develop their own program locally. The core of the program is an individualized approach to working with farmers to develop their own goals around communication (within couples, with customers, with employees, etc.). We will review the resources and activities (SWOC, roles and responsibilities, Eisenhower Box, and much more) used in each session as well as discuss how to tailor the approach based on local resources and needs.
