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Conference Name Negotiation in Agriculture

Kate Fuller and John P. Hewlett


Many in agriculture, particularly beginning farmers and others who have not historically participated in farm management decisions, face challenges in navigating business relationships. Research suggests many marginalized communities considered by USDA as socially disadvantaged or traditionally underserved face unique barriers when engaging in negotiations. Need for negotiation skills is not limited to these groups, as evidenced by numerous stakeholder calls and requests to Extension. Negotiation in Agriculture (NIA) is intended to offer approaches to negotiation, as well as tools and resources that can help lead to better outcomes. Team members include members of the Western Extension Committee, as well as outside experts.

Four written guides and two online teaching modules have been completed to date. Two additional modules have been designed and construction is underway. These four modules comprise an online short course that could also be offered in person. The four guides and corresponding modules are: Why Negotiate?, Questions to Answer Before Meeting, Planning and Preparing for Your Discussion, and Understanding Frames and Framing. Participants have the option to participate in a complete module or pick and choose elements they wish to access. Live webinars are planned as well as other interactive components to engage participants around the content.

NIA resources can assist with common issues faced by decision makers: leasing terms and conditions, management transition, agricultural disputes, managers preparing to retire, negotiated pricing, ideas for transition strategies to help new managers get started, and many other situations. The materials are not intended to offer legal advice. See: Negotiation.FarmManagement.org.

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