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Conference Name Women In Agriculture Educational Program on the Necessity of Proper Estate Planning

Anna Jackson


As the small, limited-resource, minority and more specifically, female farmer population matures there are certain aspects of life that become quite imperative for this population to resolve. One such question that faces each of these farmers is the issue of “What am I to do with the mass of wealth that I have obtained over the years.” While small-women farmers certainly have not accumulated the wealth of their large farm counterparts, they have managed to accumulate a very scarce and valuable asset, that being large plots of land. And, while they have spent their lives maintaining this land for the purpose of being a prosperous producer, now they must face the ultimate goal of properly preserving this land and their other assets for posterity. Hence, the topic of estate planning becomes necessary of learning to navigate it with a particular level of competency.

We have targeted various farm family and small women agricultural groups to educate them on the aspects of estate planning. We have approached this topic in presenting seminars as follows:

1. Explaining the general terminology and key tools used in estate planning
2. Discussing the major questions and goals each person must ponder in preparing for estate planning
3. Delineating the necessary documents that are needed prior to commencing estate planning
4. Developing a strategy to start and complete estate planning in a timely fashion
5. Continuing to update your estate plan as life changes occur
6. Considering retirement options concurrent with complete estate planning
