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Conference Name Peer Advisory Groups – High Plains Case: Impact and Methodology

Francisco Abello and Tim Steffens


Agricultural producers use various resources to keep learning and implementing innovative practices and technologies. Peer advisory groups stand out as an essential tool for forward-thinking and business-oriented farmers and ranchers who seek continuous growth and improvement of their operations.

Like most family businesses, agricultural producer managers often find themselves making crucial decisions alone. The lack of challenging and diverse ideas often means that producers miss business opportunities or fail to implement significant productive changes for their companies. A peer advisory group is an invaluable asset that serves as a reciprocal advisory board helping farm businesses generate knowledge and improve management strategies that can impact their operation.

Several peer group systems have different methodologies for agricultural producers to achieve their goals. Argentina's CREA groups are among the oldest and most experienced peer group associations (Regional Consortiums of Agricultural Experimentation). This association has over 2,000 members and 60 years of using and perfecting the peer group methodology. CREA members consistently enhance productivity, remaining at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and management practices.

Through the leadership of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and funding from Southern Risk Management Education, a peer advisory group has been developed with ranchers from North Texas and Oklahoma using a methodology similar to that of CREA groups. Results from this methodology showed group members effectively mitigating production risks associated with new systems, implementing innovative production methods and business strategies, and enhancing economic, marketing, financial, and organizational aspects of their enterprises.

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