; Where's the Beef? Economic and Legal Considerations for Direct Beef Sales | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Where's the Beef? Economic and Legal Considerations for Direct Beef Sales

Tiffany Lashmet and Casey Matzke


Due to the various issues caused in 2020 by COVID-19, there became an overwhelming concern over live cattle prices and prices for beef at the grocery store. Many producers turned to selling beef directly to the consumer as another avenue to market their products. At the time this project was created, information on legal issues and economic resources was not readily available. The team produced a 100 + page booklet with detailed legal and economic considerations for those engaged in direct beef sales. The team hosted three live workshops at various locations around Texas and conducted a webinar in conjunction with the National Agricultural Law Center.  Each of these workshops and the webinar provided producers the opportunity to consider the legal and economic issues critical to a successful direct beef sales business. This project reached 650 livestock producers and received rave reviews on written evaluations.The success of this project has led to additional grant funded opportunities to create an online course version and to record additional video interviews with information for producers.
