Defensible Space & Infrastructure Protection for the Farm/Ranch - Workshop Recording

( March, 2023 )


This was created through our partnership at CAFF. Hardening agricultural operations and creating defensible spaces are critical steps to prevent catastrophic losses during fire events. Science-based solutions have led to the adoption of regulations and building component safety standards, but they have primarily been focused on single-family homes and Wildland-Urban Interface residential communities. Additionally, they typically refer to new buildings and do not teach about fire hazards or mitigation techniques for existing structures and equipment. It is therefore difficult for rural and farming communities to find information tailored to non-urban homes and structures, such as barns and greenhouses, or other operating resources (water, electricity, etc.). This lack of information presents a high risk to these communities not only during fires, but also afterward, when they cannot return to work. Our workshop is intended to provide farmers and rural communities with the information they need to understand how fire can reach their properties, mitigate the risk and prioritize efforts to create fire-resilient environments. Since the costs and time necessary for improvements can be deterring factors for many people, especially small farmers with time constraints, our workshop focuses on solutions that can be readily adopted before or during a fire event, and that could help present and future farmers prevent catastrophic losses.

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CAFF Community Alliance with Family Farmers



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