People and Predator Series - Wolves

Dana Hoag ( November, 2020 )


The Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence (CHCC) at Colorado State University, in collaboration with the CSU Center for Collaborative Conservation and CSU Extension, have developed educational materials entitled the People and Predator Series. The Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence and the Center for Collaborative Conservation are housed within the Warner College of Natural Resources at CSU. The People and Predator Series provides scientific information on the interactions between humans and carnivores. It includes information on a wide range of topics, including carnivore ecology, wildlife and livestock management, economics, and social dimensions of living with predators. Information Sheets are available to the public as publications through CSU Extension. The first installment of the People and Predator Series is on Colorado Wolves, published in June 2020. This series provides science-based information regarding the potential restoration of wolves in Colorado. The series has undergone extensive review by scientists both within and CSU. Included herein are the 12 Information Sheets that comprise the Colorado Wolves series. These Information Sheets are intended to educate the public and inform science-based policy but are not intended to state a position on any particular policy decision.

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Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence - Colorado State University

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