Risk Management Education for Hawai?i Beef Production Online Video Webinar 2023

Melelani A. Oshiro, Shannon Sand, M. Thorne, and Dillion M. Fuez ( August, 2023 )


The Risk Management Education for Hawai'i Beef Producers Webinar includes presenrations on the topics listed below: -Beef Consumer Purchasing Trends -Beef Cattle Market Outlook - Preliminary Survey Results: Beef Consumer Purchasing Behavior in Hawai’i -Livestock Risk Protection and Livestock Gross Margin -Beef Cattle Retained Ownership -Analysis Web-Based, Decision-Support Tools -Grazing Management for Grass-fed Beef Production -Understanding Carcass Evaluations and Meat Quality in Grass-fed Beef. -Grass-Finished Beef Decision Tools -Cash Flow Budgeting for Beef Cattle -Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance updates This webinar series is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021-70027-34713.

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