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( April, 2014 )


The idea of updating and expanding a national drought atlas was developed from the original Drought Atlas that was done in conjunction with the United States Army Corps of Engineers by Hoskings, Wallis and Guttman in the early 1990s. The original Drought Atlas consisted of those stations in the Historical Climate Network (HCN), numbering approximately 1,000 stations. The period of record at the time was limited, as many stations only had records from the 1940s to present, and these data points were put into their respective climate divisions. A monthly time step was used to calculate the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). The new Drought Risk Atlas brings precise climatological data down to spatial scales that would allow decision makers to use this tool to better understand drought in their respective region and to make better decisions.


Organization University of Nebraska
Publisher The National Drought Mitigation Center
Publication Date April, 2014
Publication Views 793
Material Type Website

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