; AgTransitions: Moving Forward Together | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name AgTransitions: Moving Forward Together

Rachel Purdy and Curtis Mahnken


As the average age of farmers in the U.S. continues to trend upwards, transition planning becomes a more prominent issue. Transition plans are a key step to provide farm families with the tools and skills to move forward with their farm business transition objectives. AgTransitions is a free, web-based transition planning tool that provides a means for farm and ranch families to develop a written transition plan online. Families can collaborate and work together in real-time using AgTransitions. Each section contains a rich array of worksheets, resources, and a sample plan to guide the user through every step of writing a transition plan. The Center for Farm Financial Management (CFFM) team recently completed an update of AgTransitions, including a new transition planning video series. AgTransitions is not intended to replace farm succession planning workshops. Rather, it provides a means to deliver them more efficiently and to provide ongoing interaction between producers, their families, and educators. In this presentation, the CFFM team will present the new tool and discuss how AgTransitions can strengthen your transition planning programming.
