; An FSA For All Seasons | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name An FSA For All Seasons

Anne Steppe


The Loan Making Division of the Farm Service Agency (FSA) will greatly appreciate the opportunity to present an overview of its mission, covering such topics as: What does FSA have to offer? Who should I speak to? How is a loan application obtained and submitted? What should a loan applicant expect from FSA? How should an applicant prepare for a meeting with a loan officer? What happens if a loan application is denied? If I don’t qualify for a loan, what can I do to meet the program requirements?
FSA will briefly discuss its various operating loan programs and farm ownership programs. FSA has specially targeted loan funds for Beginning Farmer and Socially Disadvantaged Applicant (women and minorities) loan programs, which will be the focus of our discussion. Also of particular interest to immigrant, new, and urban farmers is FSA´s ability to provide microloans, which is not widely known. We also will touch on the funding of our programs, which involve both federal and commercial opportunities, and what happens when federal funding is insufficient to meet the demand.
A round-table discussion based on the questions and interests of the attendees is proposed for the second half of the breakout session.
