; Beginning with the End in Mind - Whole-Farm Business Planning and Risk Management for a Sustainable Future | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Beginning with the End in Mind - Whole-Farm Business Planning and Risk Management for a Sustainable Future

Doolarie SIngh-Knights, Brandy Brabham, Emily Morrow, Jodi Richmond, Alexandria Smith, and Stacey Huffman


For most agribusiness operators, producing and/or processing their products are almost second nature, but building their enterprise into a successful business model requires another set of skills that must be mastered. Direct markets for fresh and unique food products are among the most rapidly growing farm opportunities in West Virginia (WV) and nationally. People in WV and around the country are looking to buy tasty, healthy foods directly from farmers. However, these new market opportunities require expertise in business management and customer service as well. The key to their success depends on great business management skills, not just being able to produce a good product.
Heading into a farm venture without some degree of planning is like setting sail across the ocean without a map; producers are likely to run into bumps and twists that can derail their venture, causing them to lose their investment.
This presentation covers ‘tips in planning for profitability’, garnered from results of several ERME funded projects, that will help with the delicate balancing act that all farmers must succeed in: balancing healthy profits with happy customers. Attendees will learn how to take the ‘big picture’ or ‘holistic’ approach to having a profitable agribusiness, and how to build profits into business plans up front, rather than hoping there is something left over once expenses are subtracted from income. These initial lessons in profitability will provide ‘holistic’ risk-management strategies to help small and limited resources nascent, beginning and mid-level producers to build profitable, viable and sustainable agribusinesses.
