; Empowering Woman Farmers with Agricultural Business Management Training in Turkey, Germany and Spain | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Empowering Woman Farmers with Agricultural Business Management Training in Turkey, Germany and Spain

Robin Brumfield, Burhan Ozkan, and Rabia Vezne


Farming is the principal economic activity in most rural areas of the EU where about half of the population lives. Without farming there would be little to keep many communities alive and hold them together. Woman farmers are a risky group because they generally do not have formal vocational education, they are less educated than men and they learn farming on the job by informal learning while working in their farms or other farms, and to not have access to the latest research based information. Empowering Woman Farmers with Agricultural Business Management Training (EMWOFA), an EU funded project aims to strengthen the linkages between researches and extension educators in Turkey, Germany, and Spain and provide a comprehensive training program for extension educators who will have direct contact with women farmers. These extension educators will help women farmers to develop technical, entrepreneurial and managerial skills through specialized training; to realize their full-potential to operate and sustain profitable farms as small businesses; and thus, to gain self-confidence as businesswomen. These extension educators will also support network among woman farmers and help them to learn to understand and manage their farm business. EMWOFA Project brings different kinds of organizations (universities, a vocational school, a chamber of agriculture, a public body and an NGO) together to work on agricultural business management training for woman farmers, and it has also in E-Learning platform.

Presentation Materials
