; FarmAnswers.org, USDA's BFRDP Clearinghouse | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name FarmAnswers.org, USDA's BFRDP Clearinghouse

Curtis Mahnken and Jeff Reisdorfer


FarmAnswers.org, the USDA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program (BFRDP) Clearinghouse, is a one-stop resource to help beginning farmers explore their farming dream. Farm Answers has over 5,000 resources to help beginning farmers plan, get started, and improve their success. Beginning farmers can filter based on topic, commodity, state, or even document type. There is a beginning farmer program database to help beginning farmers connect to programs in their areas. Beginning farmers can also use the Toolboxes to narrow their search to essential tools and resources on topics such as business planning, transition planning, urban farming, direct marketing, organic farming, and farmland access. If you provide training to beginning farmers, you can add your resources or programs by going to FarmAnswers.org and submitting them to the clearinghouse. If you want to learn more, go to FarmAnswers.org.
