; Learning Styles - Learning How to Communicate With Different Types of Individuals | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Learning Styles - Learning How to Communicate With Different Types of Individuals

Glenn Newdigger


How people take in information effects how they communicate and respond to other individuals in everyday life. “Learning Styles” is a tool to help people better understand how they, and others they work with in daily life take in information . “Learning Styles” is a highly researched tool that resembles, in terms of it’s purpose, other “personality” inventories like Meyer’s Briggs, and True Colors. The value of “Learning Styles” is how it helps us think about how we can work together most effectively. Once participants have this understanding, they can then present important information to stakeholders in their farming operations and others in different settings in a way to make the information better understood and accepted.
In this session we will discuss the different “Learning Styles”, how to identify yourself with others “Learning Styles”, and how to teach this tool to stakeholders.
