; Not Your Standard Webinar: Creating Dynamic, Interactive, Women-Centered Virtual Learning | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Not Your Standard Webinar: Creating Dynamic, Interactive, Women-Centered Virtual Learning

Beth Holtzman, Kendall Kunelius, Jessica Wright, Seth Wilner, and John Hendrickson


Stop by this poster to learn about the variety of approaches the Farm Labor Dashboard has used since 2020 to transfer in-person peer learning into online sessions that deliver engaging and impactful education on farm labor management and leadership topics for women farm operators.

Evaluation surveys from our 2023 and 2024 sessions show that participants consistently find these sessions engaging, and that they value the women-centered space and benefit from sharing with others who are working through similar challenges.

The Farm Labor Dashboard is a multi-state project working to help farmers reduce risk by improving labor management on small and mid-sized produce and non-dairy livestock farms. Participants, about two-thirds of whom identify as female or non-binary, are from across the U.S.

This poster and supplementary handouts will provide an overview of the different kinds of sessions the project has offered and outcomes for participants. We'll also share lessons learned, how we have fine-tuned our approach over time, the benefits and challenges of drawing participants from across the US, and pointers for other educators who may want to incorporate these approaches into their programs.

Staff from several of our project partner organizations will be on hand to answer questions and share additional information.

Project partners include University of Vermont Extension, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, Renewing the Countryside and University of Nebraska.

Presentation Materials
