; OK Boomer! Developing Extension Programming for Millennial Farm Operators | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name OK Boomer! Developing Extension Programming for Millennial Farm Operators

Terry Griffin, LaVona Traywick, Elizabeth Yeager, and Gregory Ibendahl


Ag technology has been utilized differently by different generations of farmers. Research results from most recent six years reported how farm operators of four generations adopted precision agricultural technology. This presentation discusses how research results were developed into Extension programming. Discussion includes comparison of how 1) Millennials differ from older generations with respect to machinery investment and financing technology and 2) multiple-operator farms performance when Millennial operator works with a Generation X or Baby Boomer. Discussion also includes how Extension programming were received including lessons learned. This presentation is of interest to ag lenders learning how to work with Millennials instead of Baby Boomers, Extension professionals attempting to reach younger non-traditional audiences, and other educators striving to address emerging issues surrounded by generational attributes.
