; Risk Management Strategies for Livestock Producers During Drought Conditions | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Risk Management Strategies for Livestock Producers During Drought Conditions

Bernt Nelson


During the 2016 growing season, 32 counties in South Carolina, primarily the Northwest region, were affected by widespread drought. This drought was a result of lack of rainfall, warmer than average temperatures, and abnormal winds. The Clemson University Simpson Research and Education Center (REC) had a greater number of bred cattle than was desirable. Hay production in this region was greatly hindered by the drought. With market conditions unfavorable to profitable sales, taking the animals to market seemed to be a losing alternative. However, the Edisto REC, located 135 miles SE of the Simpson REC had recently gone through a 35% reduction in herd size, and possessed 20 acres of irrigated hay land, and had an excess inventory of hay. These conditions brought forth several alternatives. Should all the animals be sold now? Should more hay be purchased? Could the excess hay at Edisto be moved to the Simpson research center? Could the animals be moved to the Edisto research center? These alternatives were specific to The REC’s problem. However, they are alternatives faced by many livestock producers during drought conditions. This program intends to define and evaluate risk management alternatives faced by livestock producers during these adverse conditions.
