; A perennial pulse crop with Brandon Schlautman of The Land Institute | Library | AgRisk Library

Open in new window A perennial pulse crop with Brandon Schlautman of The Land Institute

Tim Hammerich and Brandon Schlautment ( September, 2022 )


The Land Institute’s Brandon Schlautman joins the show about the work he is doing to breed perennial pulses. Brandon is the lead scientist of the perennial legumes program at the Land Institute which is based in Salina, KS. The 40 year old non-profit ag research institute tries to find solutions that balance short term economic realities with long term conservation goals. They’re known for their work in kernza, and hope to make similar progress in pulses. In this episode we talk about why developing a perennial pulse crop is worthwhile, where they started down this road, how they settled on sainfoin for the perennial pulse development, and the road ahead towards commercialization.


Organization The Land Institute
Publisher NDSU
Publication Date September, 2022
Publication Views 161
Material Type Audio

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