; Abuse of Power of Attorney: Preventing and Addressing Elder Family Financial Exploitation | Library | AgRisk Library

Open in new window Abuse of Power of Attorney: Preventing and Addressing Elder Family Financial Exploitation

Cole Ehmke and Virginia Vincenti ( January, 2021 )


This Extension bulletin provides factors that put individuals and families at risk for power of attorney (POA) abuse, and provides best practices for preventing and responding. A financial POA is a potent estate planning tool for managing assets and making sure that bills are paid as we age and need help. Since POAs typically give an agent great power with little or no oversight, abuse such as stealing and transferring assets away from the principal and to the agent is easy, with terrible consequences. It is based on research from a USDA multi-state project.


Organization University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service
Publisher University of Wyoming
Publication Date January, 2021
Publication Views 9675
Material Type Written Material

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