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Open in new window Agritourism Risk Management in this Brand New-Era

Miriam Boateng ( October, 2022 )


This project created a risk management resource guide for farmers to navigate risk management issues at agritourism events/farm operations. The guide is modeled on the NYS Safety in Agricultural Tourism Act (General Obligations Law, Section 18-303(1)(a)-(e)) and agritourism regulations from other Northeast States. The NYS Law provides agricultural tourism enterprises with certain protections from liability when provisions of the law are met. Thus, a comprehensive virtual workshop educational training series focusing on customer service management, farm safety, local laws, and emergency preparedness, among other topics, was offered to agritourism operators and farmers. The guide is relevant beyond NYS and will serve as a resource for reducing risk management for events/farm operations. It will also provide an improved understanding of agritourism risk management and its associated requirements for operators.


Organization Cornell University Cooperative Extension
Publisher Northeast Extension Risk Management Education
Publication Date October, 2022
Publication Views 43
Material Type Written Material

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