; South Dakota Agricultural Land Market Trends, 1991-2008 | Library | AgRisk Library

Open in new window South Dakota Agricultural Land Market Trends, 1991-2008

Larry Janssen and Burton Pflueger ( May, 2008 )


The 2008 SDSU Farm Real Estate Market Survey is the 18th annual survey of agricultural land values and cash rental rates by land use and quality in different regions of South Dakota. We report on the results of the survey and also include a discussion of factors influencing buyer/seller decisions and positive/negative factors impacting farmland markets. Publication of survey findings is a response to numerous requests by farmland owners, renters, appraisers, lenders, buyers, and others for detailed information on South Dakota farmland markets.


Publisher South Dakota State University
Publication Date May, 2008
Publication Views 1291
Material Type Written Material

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