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Open in new window Indiana Farmland Values & Cash Rents: Relative Calm in a Turbulent Economy

Craig Dobbins and Kim Cook ( August, 2009 )


With a credit crisis, bankruptcies of business icons, turmoil in the housing industry, stock market uncertainties, and declining crop margins, are sharply falling Indiana farmland values the next item of bad news? To gather information about changes in farmland values and cash rents, professionals working in the farmland market are contacted each June. Based on the 2009 Purdue Farmland Value Survey, Indiana farmland values have not been immune to the negative economic forces sweeping through the general economy, but for the state as a whole, the decline in farmland values has been small. This report provides a summary of the survey results.


Organization Purdue University Extension
Publisher Purdue University
Publication Date August, 2009
Publication Views 1611
Material Type Written Material

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