; Annie´s Project: Effective Methodology for Risk Management Educatioin | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Annie´s Project: Effective Methodology for Risk Management Educatioin

Madeline Schultz


The Annie’s Project National Leadership Team presents to participants in the National Extension Risk Management Education Conference an analysis of data collected from women in agriculture who participated in educational courses over the past several years. The data shows the impact the courses have on women’s understanding of agricultural risk management topics through qualitative and quantitative data. The results provide insight on the effectiveness of the program methodology. The team believes this method of teaching risk management can be successfully applied to other demographic groups and to advanced topics. The team will share some of the new programming being developed to serve additonal needs.

Annie’s Project began in 2003 as a comprehensive educational program and support network for farm and ranch women. The locally facilitated program is designed to empower farm women to be better farm business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical decision making information. The methodology was developed by Ruth Hambleton, University of Illinois Extension Farm Management and Marketing Specialist. Beginning with the first class of ten Central Illinois farm women, this program has expanded to include 18 states and 4,500 women. Iowa State University Extension has taken a leading role by developing a National Outreach Center to further expand and improve this program.
