; Barriers to Mental Health Treatment in the Agriculture Community: A Regional Look | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Barriers to Mental Health Treatment in the Agriculture Community: A Regional Look

Ami Cook, David Roberts, Maria Pippidis, Laurie Wolinski, Jake Jacobs, and Josiah Taylor


Rural and agriculture communities face many unique challenges. This proves true when it comes to resources, or lack thereof, for mental health promotion and treatment. A regional survey implemented through the FRSAN-NE/Cultivemos Network focused on twelve states in the Northeast Region to look at what barriers these communities face when addressing mental health in rural and agriculture areas.

979 survey respondents identified common barriers to receiving treatment for mental health issues. The barrier of stigma was addressed at the friend, family, local community and employment levels. Respondents also identified the most effective steps for reducing mental health stigma. Perceptions of stigma were further analyzed by age, state, gender, race, education and connection to the agriculture industry.
The survey also looked at who may be experiencing more or fewer stressors by age, state, gender, language, race/ethnicity, education and connection to the agriculture industry. This data allows for a more concentrated effort of who should be targeted when looking at methods for reducing mental health stigma and other barriers people face when seeking mental health treatment.

This poster will show correlations between the factors mentioned above and those who experience more stressors, the barriers identified, and the steps needed to reduce mental health stigma.
