; FarmAnswers.org - A Resource for Beginning Farmers | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name FarmAnswers.org - A Resource for Beginning Farmers

Curtis Mahnken


Much concern has been raised surrounding the aging population of U.S. farmers, however, there is growing enthusiasm among people wanting to connect with the land. From explorers to seasoned producers, this new generation of farmers has a broad range of interest and experience in agriculture. This spectrum creates a need for one location that producers of all knowledge levels can find resources to help them get started, tools to help them succeed and a way to connect to other farmers.

FarmAnswers.org, the official USDA-NIFA beginning farmer and rancher clearinghouse (BFRDP), fills that need by providing curated information and programs, and connecting beginning farmers and ranchers around the country. This presentation will discuss how you can use FarmAnswers.org in your beginning farmer outreach program.
