; Planting Date Impact on Production Risk: A Battle for the Belt | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Planting Date Impact on Production Risk: A Battle for the Belt

Eric Richer, Taylor Dill, Laura Lindsey, and Osler Ortez


Extension educators and crop consultants are often asked about the impact of planting date on yield and associated production risk. Corn and soybean planting date recommendations for the state of Ohio are early-May, with the expectation for yield loss with delayed planting after that timeframe. Most farmers in Ohio grow both crops and must decide which crop to give planting priority; however, there are no head-to-head comparisons of corn and soybean planted on the same day. In addition to the scientific objectives of this study, the educational objectives were to help educators and consultants: 1. Better understand and calculate the risks (production, financial, marketing) risks associated with planting date variables, 2. Better answer the question of which crop better responds to the risks associated with early planting, 3. Better understand how weather risk can be minimized with crop insurance products and 4. Deliver in-person and virtual programming to communicate the results to farmers. Communicating results is imperative for best management practice changes. Extension engagement post-pandemic has declined, generational turnover is changing the producer audience, and videos are at the top for overall engagement across social platforms. Novel extension content such as videos with real-time output are being developed as part of this project and will be assessed compared to newsletter articles, virtual extension meetings, and in-person extension meetings.
