; Tool Time for Grain Marketers | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Tool Time for Grain Marketers

Robert Craven


"Tool Time for Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Marketers" are two new programs in the Winning the Game series, created to help producers develop a better understanding of pricing tools. Dramatically higher prices changed the landscape in grain marketing, forcing many buyers to restrict or limit the pricing options offered to producers. Today, more than ever, grain marketers need a clear understanding of every pricing tool available in their toolbox.

The new “Tool Time” programs reinforce lessons from earlier programs, while changing the emphasis to help producers understand pricing tools. Past programs dedicated 80% of the time to the development of a marketing plan, with the remaining 20% dedicated to pricing tools. “Tool Time” aims to reverse that equation, spending 20% of the time on marketing plans and 80% of the time on pricing tools. But the fun remains! Our new programs feature a simulation game used to illustrate the tools by challenging participants to try new approaches in executing a plan.

Learn more about these programs and producers´ feedback from this winters workshops in IA, SD, MD, PA, and MN.

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