; Western Extension Marketing Committee: Regional Model for Outreach Programming to Beginning, Small, and Underserved Farmers and Ranchers | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Western Extension Marketing Committee: Regional Model for Outreach Programming to Beginning, Small, and Underserved Farmers and Ranchers

Ruby Ward


As traditional commodity marketing channels in recent years have not provided sufficient returns for many small and medium sized farmers to maintain a viable livelihood, our program’s materials are focused on helping producers that are looking for ways to differentiate their product so that they may receive higher prices, obtain better market access, and experience less volatile price swings. Our poster will outline the curricula and resources created by the Western Extension Marketing Committee which assist farmers in identifying, selecting, managing, monitoring, and growing agricultural enterprises that increase value-added on farms and ranches. The poster will additionally provide examples of how these materials have impacted producers and unique ways in which they have been used to reach traditionally underserved audiences.
