In the current economic environment it is critical that cattle producers make management decisions based on the best information possible. Accordingly, market participants are wary of relying upon dated pricing information when making management and marketing decisions. Furthermore, it is important that producers understand the link between pricing and genetic, management, and marketing decisions as this can increase an operations sustainability and profitability. Cow-calf producers and cattle feeders have long been interested in the impact that various physical and market characteristics have on feeder cattle and calf prices. A number of previous studies have reported the significant relationships that exist between feeder cattle prices and the physical and market characteristics associated with the cattle (Bailey and Peterson, 1991;Faminow and Gum, 1986; Lambert et al., 1989; Mintert et al., 1988; Sartwelle et al., 1996a,b; Schroeder et al., 1988; Ward et al., 2005).
Organization | NCR SARE North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education |
Publisher | Kansas State University |
Publication Date | March, 2010 |
Publication Views | 620 |
Material Type | Written Material |