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J. Byron Williams ( November, 2020 )


Traceability is the ability to efficiently trace the pathways of food products throughout the supply chain, including the history, applications, or locations of food products. The goal is to have records that follow a product through each point in the supply chain. Traceability measures for food products can include the origin of supplies, materials, and ingredients, as well as processing history, shipping/distribution chains, and sale location. Detailed and accurate records throughout all phases of the distribution channel allow quick action at all levels to locate and gain control of the product in question. Food supply distribution channels are complex, so detailed and accurate records are necessary to ensure efficient and effective traceability and recall. To reduce risk for agricultural operations and maintain good economic sustainability, it is imperative to keep good records throughout all phases of operations.


Publisher MSU Extension
Publication Date November, 2020
Publication Views 81
Material Type Written Material

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