; Issues in Land Leasing In Maryland | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Issues in Land Leasing In Maryland

Lori Lynch and Paul Goeringer


As crop prices have increased, many farmers seek additional acres to cultivate in their operations and rents have climbed. This has impacted the negotiation of leases and terminations. Tenants and Landowners alike have sought guidance from University of Maryland Extension on agricultural land leases. To address these questions, the Center for Agricultural and Natural Resource Policy, University of Maryland Extension, and the Maryland Department of Agriculture have developed materials which provide answers and elaboration for many of the common questions asked by both landlords and tenants. Our poster provides a quick review of the important legal issues faced in Maryland in the leasing process. The poster is being utilized during the 2013 winter agronomy meetings in select Maryland counties. This poster at the Extension Risk Management Education Conference will provide information of use to other educators wanting to incorporate land lease information into their education programs.

Presentation Materials
