; Risk Management Outreach and Training for New and Traditionally Underserved Agricultural Producers | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Risk Management Outreach and Training for New and Traditionally Underserved Agricultural Producers

Nelson Daniels, Alfred L. Parks, and Billy Lawton


For farmers in general and more specifically for new and traditionally underserved small scale agricultural producers, obtaining adequate financing is a major concern in their operations. While a majority of these producers have access to land, there is a great need for farm equipment upgrades and for farm operating funds. In order to obtain the needed funds, the farmers need to obtain knowledge to keep basic farm records, develop skills on how to better market their products and gain the expertise needed to apply for funds to operate their businesses.

Prairie View A&M University has been conducting hands on educational training programs focusing on business management, farm recordkeeping, product marketing and loan assistance. These programs provide produces with information about sources of funding including both grant and loan opportunities. Much of the focus on loans related to obtaining funding through the USDA - Farm Service Agency (FSA). In addition to the workshops, Extension staff members provide hands-on, one-on-one assistance to help these new and traditionally underserved agricultural producers in completing farm ownership and farm operating loan applications. As a result of the program, since 2010 approximately 400 individuals have been helped to apply for nearly $41 million in agricultural loans.

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