; Rural Women In America - Women Helping Women | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Rural Women In America - Women Helping Women

Camie Janikowski


Rural Women In America (RWA) is an educational and motivational conference that brings a region of rural women together to improve their Human Risk Management skills and network with their peers in rural America.

For two years, over 250 women from southwestern North Dakota, northwestern South Dakota, and southeastern Montana have gathered in Bowman, ND for RWA. RWA is a combination of key-note speakers and breakout sessions on a variety of risk management topics.

Our twelve-member steering committee is another key to the success of RWA. Our committee consists of women that are; business owners, farm/ranch operators, insurance agents, government employees, mothers, and wives from a broad range of age groups. This diverse committee is a true representation of our target participants and provides a wide perspective as to the needs and issues facing our target participants.

To overcome the possible challenges women may face to attend RWA, our committee has kept the registration fee to a minimal $10; provided free childcare services; centrally located the conference within 50 miles of our target area; and provide a one-day conference, on a Saturday to allow women with busy working schedules to attend.

At RWA women gain an insightful profile, highlighting significant influences, characteristics, and motivational needs for each farm/ranch business generation. RWA offers women the opportunity to fill their risk management “toolbox” with new communication skills, financial planning tips, health screening ideas, and a larger network of peers to improve and sustain the viability of our rural families, communities, and region!
